We provide just-in-time training solutions customized to your needs.
Do you need to bring in a new team member that doesn’t know Tandem? We can help!
By providing customized training, we get your new member productive on the Tandem in a matter of days.
Do you need to understand new technology and how NonStop can leverage them?
We can explain new technologies such as Web Services, Cloud, Security in terms that NonStop folks can comprehend easily.
TIC Software Fast Track Training Service
TIC Software’s new approach enables new Operation team members with Windows or Linux background to learn NonStop quickly. This new methodology, together with use of the GUI tool TOP will lower the learning curve for new team members to become productive on the NonStop in no time.

Level 1
100% Online
Introductory Course
8 Hours
How is the system doing
Working with files
What programs are running
Viewing reports and print jobs
Where is the system log
Level 1
Skills you will learn

Level 2
100% Online
Intermediate Course
8 Hours
How to BACKUP or ZIP files
Managing network connections
Sending files via Email and FTP
Working with print management/Spooler
Task Scheduler - NetBatch
Level 2
Skills you will learn

Level 3
100% Online
Advanced Course
8 Hours
Managing Applications - Pathways
Permissions and Security - Safeguard
Database Management
Level 3
Skills you will learn
Get the training you always wanted!
Contact Us for more info
Knowledge Capture and Management
Do you have a plan in place on how to retain your NonStop application knowledge?
Let TIC help you put together a plan and implement it.