How quickly can you bring up critical reports on your DR system?
Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Most, if not all, of NonStop customers have a DR (Disaster Recovery) system, as well as a plan to ensure business continuity of their mission-critical applications in the event of a disaster. A company’s goal is to be able to resume business operation as quickly as possible with minimum interruption. The main focus of the daily operation plan is to ensure applications and third-party packages are up-to-date on the DR system, and that the database and files are synchronized regularly from Production to DR.
How about Spooler Jobs?
Many NonStop installations have hundreds, and maybe even thousands, of daily jobs in their spoolers. Many of them are reports from batch applications, online transaction logs, and other important output data needed for critical business analysis. While spooler jobs are not necessarily critical to online transaction processing, much of the report data may be crucial to a company’s efficient daily operations.
How to replicate Spooler jobs?
One simple method to replicate spooler jobs from Production to DR system easily is to use TIC’s Tele2000 product. Tele2000 provides an architecture framework that extracts spooler jobs, stores them in disk files, and delivers them to external systems via email, FTP, or Web.
The FTP module TeleFTP automates the transmission of NonStop Server files and Spooler reports to FTP Servers. Besides FTP Client capability, Tele2000 also includes options to convert data to different formats prior to transmission, including: PDF, HTML, and ZIP. TeleFTP is built on Tele2000 architecture, which offers flexibility, high performance, and scalability

Tele2000 can be configured to monitor spooler jobs in specific collectors and LOCs.
Data content of those spooler jobs is extracted and stored into disk files.
Each disk file is then sent by the TeleFTP module via FTP protocol directly into the DR’s target Spoolers, including preserving the LOC and DEST information.
NonStop system’s FTP server allows spoolers to be a target destination.
DR Spoolers will then have a duplicate of all the critical spooler jobs in Production System.
More than just for Disaster Recovery
As depicted above, using TeleFTP is a simple and elegant way to replicate Spooler Jobs to a DR system. Of course, TeleFTP is not limited to DR use; in fact, TeleFTP users are relying on its extensive features  for all of their FTP transmissions from NonStop to external systems, daily.

Contact TIC to learn more about all the extensive features of Tele2000 / TeleFTP and what they can do for you.

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Phil Ly is the president and founder of TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software and services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computer in technical support and software development.