Technical Tips – Shadowbase log information at a glance
Updated: Dec 29, 2022

by: Tom S.
Environment: Shadowbase is running on both Production and DR systems.
Goal: To be able to have a comprehensive view of the SB log activities on both systems.
TIC LogWatch – Captures EMS log messages and look for SB events to capture. Send captured events on DR system via TCP/IP to Production System
TIC IPLogger – TCP/IP Server to accept incoming socket messages and log to the same file as Production SB event logs.
TeleMail – Take log data and HTML code to generate HTML email
Custom COBOL program
Below is what we built with LogWatch, IPLogger plus a COBOL program.
This brings all EMS messages together from both systems in a single error log.
The RED text are errors. The light grey background is from Production and the Medium grey is from the DR machine.
The events indicate significant time passage which means something new happened.
The line numbers down the side make it easy to speak over the phone with Gravic support when referencing a message.
The START and STOP are hardcoded displays based on AUDMON going up or down. It makes it easier to read.
Result: A daily email that reports all the SB activities in an easy-to-understand format for Operations

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TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software and services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computer in technical support and software development.